In memory of the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001 we are sharing an untold story that took place on that terrible day. It is a story of an amazing rescue of the last two survivors from under the collapsed Twin Towers.
Just after building seven collapsed at 5:30pm Staff Sergeant David Karnes arrived at Church St. and Vesey St. in downtown Manhattan. He asked some firefighters if there was any active search and rescue taking place. They said, “No, don’t go to the epicenter it is unstable. If you go in there you will die.”
In spite of the risk, he continued on begging God to use him to rescue someone even if it meant his life.
Officers John McCloughlin and Will Jimeno were trapped under the collapsed tower for over 10 hours with no hope, until they heard a voice crying out, “U.S. Marines, call out if you can hear us.”
What happens next is truly miraculous…
God lead Sergeant Karnes along with Marine Sergeant Thomas to exactly where the two trapped officers were located twenty feet under the service of all the debris. Sergeant Karnes had prayed several times that God would lead him to rescue someone. Finding them was only part of the miracle.
On September 11, 2001 cell phones were just not working because the entire network was jammed with people calling to check on their loved ones. Yet he needed to call for help. After the second attempt to call out, his cell phone worked, because he prayed.
Just in time a retired officer jumped into hole where they were located and began administrating life saving first aid to the officers. However, he did not have a radio. So Sergeant Karnes prayed again, “God send us someone with a radio to get help.”
Minutes after that prayer, two police officers with radios arrived. They called in the exact location and what was needed for the rescue.
During this time a fire started encroaching on them. Karnes prayed, “God, I know you are not going to let it end this way. Please send us someone to put out this fire.”
Just after that a firefighter jumped in the hole with an extinguisher. God certainly wanted to rescue them and heard their cries. And God wants to rescue you. Just like those officers were trapped, so are we.
We are all trapped in our sin.
We all have committed sins against a holy God. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” However, you need to realize that you are trapped because of the fact that you are a sinner with a sinful nature.
Because of our trapped situation, we are in danger of death.
Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death.” Ezekiel 18:20 explains, “The soul that sinneth it shall die.” Sin’s payment not only includes physical death but also separation from God forever. Once a person dies, their soul continues on forever in either heaven or hell. Do you fear what will happen to you after you die physically? Since this is true you cannot rescue yourself.
We need to be rescued by Someone else.
Because our situation is helplessly desperate, we need to be rescued by Someone else that can help. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, left Heaven to rescue us. “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves.” When the Bible speaks of being saved it is referring to being rescued from our sin and its judgement. Jesus came to save the world and to save you. He took your judgement of sin by dying in your place. In fact, He is the only One that can rescue you, because as the Son of God, He is the only One without sin. When Christ died in our place, all of our sin was placed upon Him…All of your sin was placed upon Him. He died on a cross, but three days later He came back to life proving that He Himself is God.
What is the main thing we need to realize before we can be rescued from our sin?
We all need to call out to God in faith to be rescued.
Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” You need to call out to God in faith. “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves.” Ephesians 2:8,9
This faith is depending upon Jesus alone to rescue you. Realizing his desperate situation, one man in Scripture asked, “What must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Will you trust Jesus to save/rescue you right now?
You can call out to God in a simple prayer of faith:
“Dear God, I know that I am helplessly trapped in my sin. I realize that I deserve to be separated from You, but I believe Jesus died in my place for my sin. I am now trusting Jesus alone to save me and to give me eternal life in Heaven. Amen.”
If you just trusted Christ as your Savior, the Bible says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” You can now say that you have be Rescued.
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